Workshop is Full. Winter Sowing Workshop, Feb. 19, 2024; 10-12noon in Bolton, MA

Sorry, this workshop is full. Join us on Monday, February 19 (President’s Day) 10am-12noon, for a winter sowing workshop. Winter sowing is an easy and fun way to propagate native plants, as well as garden plants. The technique requires minimal equipment-no greenhouses or artificial lights-just some plastic milk jugs and duct tape!

We will have all necessary supplies: native wildflower seeds, for soil, milk jugs, duct tape, and marking pens. Feel free to bring any additional seeds you would like to try, and also please bring any rinsed out gallon size milk jugs you can. Everyone will leave with at least 2-3 mini-greenhouses to care for at home. (And by “care for,” we mean just set it outside and wait.)

Some of the species we will be planting:

Yellow Coneflower. Ratibida pinnata – Native to large parts of the eastern and midwestern US.

Ohio or Smooth Spiderwort. Tradescantia ohiensis – Native to Massachusetts.

Hairy or Northeastern Beardtongue. Penstemon hirsutus – Native to MA

Spotted Beebalm. Monarda punctata – Native to parts of Massachusetts and other New England states.

Golden Alexanders. Zizia aurea – Native to MA

New England Aster. Symphotrichum novae-angliae – Native to MA

This workshop will be led by seedling sale coordinator, Jem Mix, and Sarah Berube from Bolton Local. Registration is limited to 20 participants. The workshop will be in Bolton, and the exact location will be confirmed upon registration. Register for workshop here-

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