Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)

3 for $24

Pink flowers bloom atop strong stems, 2-4′ tall with long narrow leaves.  Flowers bloom in June through October.   Interesting seedpods in fall, fun for kids and used for decorating.

High wildlife value, attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds – an amazing array of pollinators.  Doesn’t need a swamp-it grows in moist perennial beds/pollinator gardens, although its natural habitat is usually wet, rich, heavy soils and pond edges.  Appreciates full sun.

Native to most US states, except Pacific coastal states; native to eastern Canada.  Special attention has been brought to the milkweeds because of their specialist association with the monarch butterfly caterpillars as part of efforts to protect monarch butterflies.

This plant is toxic and should be avoided where you have grazing animals.

For really interesting details about pollination of milkweeds in general check this out!  sticky situation

Images: Arthur Haines & Bill Cullina via GoBotany/Native Plant Trust.  

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SKU: swamp-milkweed-asclepias-incarnata Categories: Native Perennial, Native to MA, Native to US, Perennials & Wildflowers Tags: ,