Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum)
3 for $10
5 for $12
Easily recognized in winter for its bright red stems. In the spring it has showy umbels of white flowers. Blooms in mid-May to June and has a second bloom in July-August. White berries, red and purple foliage on display in autumn.
Fast growing shrub gets 6-12’ tall and will form a thicket or hedge. May grow as low as 3′, depending on light, soil and moisture. Bright stem color occurs on stem < 3 years old. Prune older stems to retain color. .
Adapted to wide range of soils from wet to dry, and tolerant of flooding and wet soils. Native to all of US and Canada except south central plains into Texas. Attracts birds.
18-24″ bare root seedling. Photo Credit:
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