Organic Romanian Red Seed Garlic
$7 for one bulb
$12 for 2 organic seed bulbs
Early Red Italian (Artichoke) Seed Garlic- Dependable Artichioke variety with attractive large bulbs. Robust grower with 11 to 21 cloves. Cloves fat, round and milk-white. Noted in Southern Oregon at Telowa Farms as early maturing. Storage is 10 months, Maturity is early, Scapes- no
Music (Pocelain)- An outstanding Porcelain plant producing very large bulbs. Strong, robust plants stand out in the garden. A sweet and substantial garlic when baked. Hot when consumed raw. A Bestseller. Storage is 6 months, Maturity is late, Scapes – Yes
Mixed 1 bulb of each variety for $12.00
Out of stock