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Dutchman’s Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria)

$15 for 3

A spring woodland ephemeral, Dutchman’s Breeches flowers early in the spring when sunlight hits the woodland floor before the canopy of the trees fill in. By early summer, the fern-like foliage fades, and goes into total dormancy by mid-summer.

While closely related to bleeding hearts, Lamprocapnos spectabilis, dutchman’s breeches are not as adaptable as that introduced, Asian species.  This native plant requires a shady-partly sunny, moist, yet well-drained site, typical of a rich, humus woodland.  Soils that do not drain well or have a heavy clay component are not suitable.
$15 for 3 dormant, bare root plants
Photo credits: Bill Cullina, Arthur Haines, and Don Cameron
via GoBotany/Native Plant Trust

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SKU: dutchmans-breeches-dicentra-cucullaria Categories: groundcover, Native Plants, Perennials & Wildflowers