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2024 Workshops

Winter Sowing Workshop

Join us for a winter sowing workshop. Winter sowing is an easy and fun way to propagate native plants, as well as garden plants. The technique requires minimal equipment-no greenhouses or artificial lights-just some plastic milk jugs and duct tape!

We will have all necessary supplies: native wildflower seeds, for soil, milk jugs, duct tape, and marking pens. Feel free to bring any additional seeds you would like to try, and also please bring any rinsed out gallon size milk jugs you can. Everyone will leave with at least 2-3 mini-greenhouses to care for at home. (And by “care for,” we mean just set it outside and wait.)

Some of the species we will be planting:

  • Yellow Coneflower. Ratibida pinnata – Native to large parts of the eastern and midwestern US.
  • Ohio or Smooth Spiderwort. Tradescantia ohiensis – Native to Massachusetts.
  • Hairy or Northeastern Beardtongue. Penstemon hirsutus – Native to MA
  • Spotted Beebalm. Monarda punctata – Native to parts of Massachusetts and other New England states.
  • Golden Alexanders. Zizia aurea – Native to MA
  • New England Aster. Symphotrichum novae-angliae – Native to MA


Freezing and Dehydrating

Presented by Nicole Richard, Research Associate/Food Safety Specialist, University of Rhode Island, Cooperative Extension Food Safety Education Program.

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Pressure and Hot Water Bath Canning

Presented by Nicole Richard, Research Associate/Food Safety Specialist, University of Rhode Island, Cooperative Extension Food Safety Education Program

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2022 Webinar Series

Eastern Towhee

Winter Forest Walk: Forestry for the Birds

March TBD

Location: Maniha Property, Petersham MA.

Speakers: Mike Barry, Professional Forester

Andrew Rawcliffe, Service Forester, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation, Bureau of Forest Fire Control and Forestry 

Mike Barry and Andrew Rawcliffe will lead the walk and describe how to assess foresters for bird habitat.  We will see different stands in which forestry was used to improve habitat for birds at risk.

Link to the Foresters for the Birds Information

Winter Forest Walk: Indicators of Forest Health

March 5, Saturday form 10:00 am to 12:00 noon

Location: Cedar Hill at Crane Swamp in Marlborough/Northboro.

Speakers: Laura Mattei, Director of Stewardship, Sudbury Valley Trustees


Laura Mattei will lead the walk and describe indicators of forest health.  We will see these indicators as we visit two forest stands where we can compare their differences in forest health.

360 Cedar Hill St. Marlborough

Cedar Hill, Marlborough/Northborough

For the north entrance, take Route 495 to exit 62 (Simarano Drive exit). Continue to the lights at the end of the exit ramp. Take a left at the lights onto Simarano Drive. Continue to another set of lights and take a right onto Cedar Hill Street. Parking for the reservation is at 360 Cedar Hill Street. The entrance will be on your left across from Forest Street. There is ample parking, labeled with SVT signs, immediately on your right. A trail easement, marked by posts and SVT markers leads around the wetlands and to a kiosk behind the buildings.

Click here to visit Google Maps for specific directions from your home.

Link to Cedar Hill trail map and info:

Link to the Forest Health booklet.

Lunch Time Webinar: How Can a Forester Help You?

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Friday February 25, 2022 at 12:00 noon

Speaker:  Joe Smith, owner of Woodsman, Inc., Professional Forester

Joe has worked as a forester for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management, and the Trust for New England Forestlands.  He has been a supervisor with the Worcester County Conservation District since 1995.
Joe will give an introduction to who is qualified as a forester, what a forester does, why a landowner would hire a forester.  He will answer questions you may have about foresters.  You can submit questions you may have as part of the registration or ask during the webinar.

Winter Forest Walk: Long and Short Term Views

Wednesday, February 16, at 12:00-2:00pm

Location: West Street & Poduck Road, East Brookfield, MA

Craig Masterman, Yankee Woodlands, Professional Forester
Chris Capone, Service Forester, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation / Bureau of Forest Fire Control and Forestry
Dylan Kirk, Conservation Planner Natural Resources Conservation Service/American Farmland Trust


We will visit a forest stand that has been managed for 25 years to see the successful results of forest management.  We will visit a forest stand that was just cut in December 2021 to discuss the immediate impacts of tree cutting.  We will visit another stand that has been marked with paint for cutting and discuss the future vision for the forest.  Topics of discussion will include risks and considerations when making decisions about forest management, benefits of forests.

Lunch Time Webinar: New England’s Changing Forests

Friday, February 11, 2022 at 12:00 noon.

Speaker:  Jonathan Thompson, Senior Ecologist at Harvard Forest, Petersham, MA

Jonathan Thompson will discuss three centuries of change in New England’s forests.  After a brief discussion of the landscape’s history, he will focus on the impacts from climate change and modern land use, including forest loss, harvesting, and conservation.

Forestry Walk Flat Rock Wildlife Sanctuary – Pitch Pine Heathland Restoration Project

Saturday  January 22, 2022.  10 am – 12:00 pm

Location Crocker Conservation Area
215 Flat Rock Road
Fitchburg, MA

Join a free public site walk hosted by Mass Audubon, North County Land Trust, and the Worcester County Conservation District, on Saturday, January 22 at 10 am.
Mass Audubon’s Senior Conservation Ecologist Tom Lautzenheiser will lead the walk and describe the project to support the sanctuary’s distinctive ridge top pitch pine heathland.

Also, the walk will pass through NCLT’s Crocker Conservation Area, where a timber harvest was completed in 2012. NCLT will talk about the goals around the cut and the benefits that they’ve seen from careful forestry.

Farm Finance for Beginning and Part Time Farmers

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Speaker:  Chris Laughton, Director of Knowledge Exchange, Farm Credit East
Topics covered include:
– Record keeping Understanding Financial Statements
– Cash Flow Budgeting
– Financing and Credit / Working with Lenders
This webinar is hosted in partnership with Farm Credit East, the northeastern portion of the larger, nation wide Farm Credit system.

2021 Composting Webinar Series

Home Composting

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Speakers: Amy Donovan, Franklin County Solid Waste District; Joel Betts, Worcester County Conservation District

Looking forward to the gardening season? If you buy bags of soil, would you want to make your own compost instead? Learn how to reduce household trash and improve garden soil health by composting food and yard waste. Tune in to this FREE, fun webinar that will provide tips, how-to’s, and local resources to start or improve your own composting system in Central and Western Mass, followed by a question and answer session with local composting experts.

Link to Home Composting presentation slides: 5-3_21_Final_Compost Webinar Slides GQFA

Worm Composting Webinar

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Speaker: Amy Donovan, Franklin County Solid Waste District

Learn how to compost indoors year-round with Red Wiggler worms!

Amy Donovan of Franklin County Solid Waste District will show how to make a simple, low cost vermicomposting bin, where to get worms, which food wastes are appropriate, and how to harvest and use the finished compost. Learn how to reduce trash from a household, classroom, or office. Amy will share tried and true techniques to get the best results, with no odors. The finished worm castings are a nutrient rich soil additive, some of the best compost on earth!

Food Waste Solutions for Businesses:

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Speakers: Khrysti Smith Barry, Center for EcoTechnology; Rick Innes, Clearview Composting; Joel Betts, Worcester County Conservation District

Did you know? According to the NRDC, 40% of food produced in the US goes uneaten!

Come learn what you can do at your business to make a difference.

Businesses, restaurants, and event planners all over the country are discovering that recycling and composting can be easier than they thought, and can cost the same – if not LESS – than throwing it all in the trash!  Learn how to potentially save operational costs and impress your customers by minimizing your food waste and lowering your carbon footprint.

This event is ideal for your business, restaurant, community agency, faith-based organization, food processing facility, or residential facility.

Local solid waste experts will share free resources, local success stories, achievable ideas, and tips and tricks for getting started or taking the next steps in your composting and recycling efforts.  We will cover topics relevant to reducing waste from your regular business operations or events – for everything from food service businesses, distributors, and retail operations, to office lunchrooms, catered meetings, and larger events or event venues.

Link to Food Waste Solutions Presentation Slides: 5.18.21 GQFA Biz Food Waste Solutions FINAL

Envirothon Webinar

Soil Conservation, Best Management Practices to Build Resilience and Protect Water Quality

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Speaker: Joel Betts, Worcester County Conservation District

Cover crops, no-till agriculture, rotational grazing, streamside buffers and many other practices capture carbon to build the soil, reduce pollution to our waters, and build resilience to intense weather from climate change. Project Drawdown says Conservation Agriculture could sequester over 9 gigatons of carbon dioxide in the next 30 years!

Link to Soil Conservation BMP Presentation Slides: Soil Conservation best management practices to build resilience

2021 Spring Seedling Sale Webinar Series

This series was supported by a Neighborhood Outreach Grant from the MA DCR Service Forestry Program through the Working Forests Initiative, awarded to us in partnership with the North County Land Trust. It also supported direct assistance with landowners about conservation and land protection.

North County Land Trust, Inc. (NCLT) is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 regional land conservation organization founded in 1992.
Our Mission is to conserve the farms, forests and landscapes that define the character of our region.

• PROTECT: Identify natural resources, working lands and landscapes whose conservation is of the highest priority.
• PRESERVE: Conserve land in perpetuity for future generations.
• PROMOTE: Engage communities to understand and appreciate their natural environment and the importance of conservation.
Joel Betts teaching about forest soils with Clark University students.

Tree-soil interactions 101, how to make a soil map, and considerations for successful tree planting.

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Speaker: Joel Betts, Worcester County Conservation District

People too often forget about the unseen half of trees underground, yet the inherent and dynamic properties of the soil in which a tree is growing can make the difference between if it succeeds or fails. This webinar will take a deep dive into the intersection of soil science and forest ecology with practical implications for forest management and tree planting. Attendees will learn how to; use free mapping tools to create a soil map for their property and take a soil test to determine what might grow best on that location.

Soil and Trees_2021 presentation slides

Funding for this webinar was provided by the MA DCR Service Forestry Program through the Working Forests Initiative.

Cedar Waxwing with a Juneberry

Native Plants and Birds: What’s the Connection?

View Presentation Slides Here

Speaker: Martha Gach of Mass. Audubon. How does growing native plants help birds? We will connect the dots between native plants, gardening practices, insects, and birds, and show you how to create a landscape ‘that’s for the birds’.

Funding for this webinar was provided by the MA DCR Service Forestry Program through the Working Forests Initiative.

Lawns and Lawn Alternatives

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Lawns and Lawn Alternatives presentation slides

Speaker: Gretel Anspach of Massachusetts Master Gardeners Association.

Lawns are imported garden fixtures from places with cool, wet summers. Here a “perfect” lawn is a major drain on water supplies, a source of pollution, and a lot of work. Look at options for tailoring your lawn and your lawn care to fit your needs, potentially eliminating hundreds of hours of labor and expensive treatments every year. The talk will include some discussion of alternatives to the traditional grass lawn.

Funding for this webinar was provided by the MA DCR Service Forestry Program through the Working Forests Initiative.

Rain Garden on Merriam Avenue in Leominster

Installing Raingardens with Native plants for Healthy Waters

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View Presentation Slides Here 

Speakers: Edward Himlan, Massachusetts Watershed Coalition, and Joel Betts, Worcester County Conservation District. Nearly every property contributes polluted stormwater runoff to its local waterway. Learn about potential sources of pollution from your property and how installing a rain garden could address these while providing many additional benefits. Then get into the details of how to successfully plan, install, and maintain a rain garden and the benefits and requirements of specific native plants that can do the job.

For additional resources see: Calvin University webpage


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