Photo Contest
Photo Contest currently accepting photos from amateur photographers of all ages
Excellent photography can communicate volumes. To recognize individuals who use this tool effectively and creatively, we are partnering with NACD and NACD Auxiliary joined forces to host an annual Photo Contest. The contest is open to all amateur photographers who reside in Worcester County Massachusetts. Contestants are allowed to enter as many as five photos each year that each fit into one of the following four categories: Conservation Practices, Close-up Conservation, Conservation in Action, or Agriculture and Conservation across the County. View examples below for each of the categories.
Photos are judged on technical merit and composition. On technical merit, photos will be judged on whether they are well-framed, properly exposed, and sharp/clear. On composition, the photos will be judged on imagination and creativity. One winner will be selected for each category and age division (adults are 19 and older as of December 1, 2017.) Each first place winner at the national level will receive a $100 cash prize. Second place winners will receive $50. These cash awards are made possible by the NACD Auxiliary’s quilt project proceeds and the Albert I. Pierce Foundation. Honorable mention award winners will also be selected for each category, but will not receive a monetary award.
Please complete and attach an entry form with your photo submission. Click here for the entry from.
Photo Contest Categories
Before submitting your photo/s, please review the following examples of the four contest categories.
Contour Buffer Strips, Contour Farming and Strip Cropping, Cover Crops, Critical Area Planting, Crop Residue Management, Crop Rotation, Diversions, Field Borders, Grade Stabilization Structures (dam/embankment), Grass Waterways, Livestock Management, Manure Storage and Runoff Control, Nutrient Management, Pasture Planting, Pest Management, Riparian Buffer, Rotational Grazing, Stream Bank and Shoreline Stabilization, Terraces, Tree Planting, Upland Wildlife Habitat, Water and Sediment Control Basin, Well Abandonment, Wetland Restoration, Wildlife Food Plot, Windbreaks, and Woodlot Management.
Aquatic Insects, Water, Crops, Plants, Soil, Sediment, Farm Animals, Irrigation, Flowers, Worms, Roots, Compost.
Conservation districts in action; conservation planning; district events (community meetings, field days, fairs, exhibits); farmers or landowners (conservation-related events, etc.); interaction with landowners; irrigating crops or watering flowers; office staff at work; supervisors or board members at meetings; technical staff at work; youth (school programs, speech, poster contests, Envirothon, on-farm, conservation-related events, etc.)
Barns, Crops, Farm Practices, Farmers or landowners, Fence Rows, Grazing, Implements and Tools, Livestock, Pasture, Ponds, Ranching, Tree Farm, Youth
The 2018 WCCD Photo Contest is currently accepting submissions – winners of the 2018 contest will be entered and viewed at NACD’s 2018 Annual Meeting. If you have any questions, please contact