Buck Hill Lending Libary

The Buck Hill Conservation Center is a 501(c)3 non profit entity owned by Worcester County Conservation District. The Lending Library is housed within Worcester County Conservation District’s office located in Holden. The following materials are listed below in the excel document. They are available on a lending basis by contacting

Buck Hill Book List webpage

A little about the history and partnership of Buck Hill Conservation Center and Worcester County Conservation District. In 1967, there were three Worcester County Conservation Districts- NW, NE and Southern. They jointly sponsored the Buck Hill Conservation Center Inc. The purpose was to develop an actual demonstration showing good conservation practices in managing land, soil, water, forests, wildlife, and all natural resources. Over the intervening years, this purpose, with the assistance of many state and federal agencies, was accomplished. The Center was used regularly by over 500 people per month including schools, scouts, community organizations and the general public.

The location of the Buck Hill Conservation Education Center was located on McCormick Road in Spencer, MA., twelve miles west of Worcester on land that was adjoining the Worcester County 4-H Center Inc. and the Spencer State Forest.

The philosophy of Buck Hill Conservation Education Center is best summed up in the following statement written by Russell W. Peterson, “We the people of planet Earth, with respect for the dignity of each human life, with concern for future generations, with growing appreciation of our relation to our environment, with recognition of limits to our resources, and with need for adequate food, air, water, shelter, health, protection, justice and self fulfillment, hereby declare our interdependence and resolve to work together in brotherhood and in harmony with our environment to enhance the quality of life everywhere.”

On May 12, 1982, the Buck Hill Conservation Education Center was incorporated under Mass. General Laws, Chapter 180 as the Buck Hill Conservation Center, Inc. The Center is governed by eleven directors. Appointed by the Incorporates for an indeterminate period, six of these directors much be Worcester County Conservation District Supervisors and five members at large whose membership is determined by the payment of annual dues.


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