Why Bare Root Plants?

We choose bare-root plants because they are economical and good for the environment. The plants grow in living soil and never have their roots clipped to fit or bound into a pot where they run out of space to grow. Only the plant is harvested, so the natural soil stays where it belongs. The plants are harvested while dormant, they do not have leaves and showy parts for a store display, but they are light, easy to ship, move and plant.

What to Expect from Bare-root Plants

Your seedlings arrive dormant and protected by damp packing.  Dormant means that the plant is not actively growing, it will not have leaves or flowers.  They usually have buds.  The plants should have firm stems, roots and buds.  They should not be shriveled, dry, moldy or smell rotten. You may see sugar like crystals on the roots from the non-toxic water gel we use to keep the roots moist.

Tree seedlings are bare root, and will range in size. The actual size is dependent on growing and weather conditions. We work with growers to estimate the size of these tree seedlings at harvest, but our sizes are still estimates, and should only be used as a guide. We strive to deliver healthy plants, however, we cannot guarantee their survival after pick up. Please inform us at pick up time if you question the quality of your order. There are no refunds after orders are picked up.

We also will have potted perennials.  They also may still be dormant depending on the species.  They have grown all through last summer, developed a good root system and were cut back at the end of the year. They have overwintered in protected, but not heated environment.  You will not see the same growth as from previous years sales, when the plants were grown from seed or plug starting mid-winter in a heated greenhouse.

For more information about bareroot plants go to:

http://extension.psu.edu/handling-and-planting-bare-root-plants-in-the-home-landscape and     http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_PLANTMATERIALS/publications/mtpmcar5149.pdf

Bare root evergreens

Bare root strawberries

Bare root bundled sapling trees


Immediately unpack your plants, check the roots for moisture.

If bareroot plant roots look dry:  Soak tree and shrub roots in water 3 to 6 hours.

Soak strawberries, asparagus for 10-20 minutes.

Do not allow the roots to dry out; keep them moist but not saturated.  Sprinkle roots and packing materials with water.

Keep plants, cool (35-50°F), and away from wind, even while planting other plants.

Plant as soon as possible! It is best to plant them within 24 hours from receipt, if you will be delayed in planting them, heel plants into ground in a protected location.

Scalp a two-foot circle in planting area, removing all sod & weeds.

Dig a hole wide enough for roots to spread out. Remember that roots grow down & laterally.

Mound some soil in the center of the planting hole. Drape roots over the mound.

Position the roots so they hang down over the mound & are not turned up or crowded.

Plant trees & shrubs to the depth they were planted in the nursery. The junction of the stem & root should be level with the ground. Back fill the planting hole with loose soil & gently pack the surface after filling the hole.

Build a berm around the planting hole to hold water. Water the plant thoroughly after backfilling the planting hole to eliminate any remaining air pockets.

The key to the survival and success of your bareroot plants is regular watering during the first three years, especially during dry spells.

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